
資格:宅地建物取引主任士 (香川)第006671号
宅建免許証番号 香川県知事(1)第4522号
香川県宅地建物取引業協会 仲多度支部 会員
元 全国賃貸住宅経営者協会連合会 香川県支部 会員
Next International Real Estate Logbookでは日々のリフォーム・リノベーションなどの様子や不動産関係の雑感をご紹介しております。
At Next International Corporation, we provide real estate related services such as real estate management to everyone as a daily life related department.
Qualification: Real Estate Notary(Kagawa prefecture) No. 006671
Please do not hesitate to consult about real estate, such as real estate administration and management, various remodeling & renovation, relocation flight operations accompanying moving.
Next International Estate blog introduces daily renovation, renovation and other aspects of real estate-related matters.